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Some companies still made projects without knowledge or insurance
You maybe have questions or doubts on a electricity work you recently made

We evaluate at home or distantly recent electricity work

After this evaluation you will get a report with eventual faults and you will be able to negotiate rectification or discount with the company

Distant work evaluation

The aim is to look after one or more faults based on your photos/descriptions/estimates on recent works
Aim is to give you a independant qualified electrician support service

Price is directly define so we don't have interest to find faults or not
Price is simple and symbolic => 5% of the invoice
For example, you replace a CMV for 200euros, price is 10euros

Process is so simple : conseil@oubou.fr

We see distant work evaluation like a consumer complementary defense tool however best is to give the work to an Artisan, you can also ask a attestation de conformite du consuel that guarantee a standards respect work
Always ask a valid activity insurance certificate to every professional
Most of the qualified electricians give free estimates, ask 2 or 3 and if you don't know the company never engage yourself directly !